September 20, 2024

Welcome to Turkey !

Turkey is a modern country with a captivating blend of antiquity and contemporary and of East and West. Get interesting information about Turkey and read up on our history, culture and art, nature and geography, traditional culinary culture, real Turkish lifestyle and more. All you need to know about Turkey and beyond.
Official Name: Republic of Turkey
National Anthem: Istiklal Marsi (Independence March)
Founder: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
System of Goverment: Republican parliamentary democracy
Prime Minister: Binali Yildirim
President: Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Area: 783.562 square kilometres
Coastal Length: 7.200 km
Coastal Borders: Mediterranean Sea at south, Aegean Sea at west, Black Sea at north
Population: 74.724.000 (31 December 2011)
Capital City: Ankara
Language: Turkish
Religion: Muslim 99%
Neighboring Countries: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Iraq, Armenia, Iran, Syria
Currency: Turkish Lira (TL) 1TL = 100 kr
Number of Cities: 81
Victory Day: 30 August
Rebuplic Day: 29 October
Largest Cities: Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya, Konya, Bursa, Kayseri, Samsun, Trabzon, Erzurum, Eskisehir, Kocaeli, Diyarbakir, Sakarya, Mersin, Gaziantep
Lifestyle: Turkish lifestyle is a vivid mosaic; juxtaposing the Occident and the Orient, the ancient and the modern.
Hospitality: Hospitality is a cornerstone of Turkish culture, and Turks believe that visitors should be treated as Guests sent by God.
Cuisine: Turkish cuisine is renowned as one of the world’s best.
Weather: It is said that all of the four seasons exist in Turkey.
Tourism: Turkey has so much to offer her visitors, therefore this country has recently become one of the world’s most popular tourism destinations.
Time Zone: GMT +3 hours (April-September) GMT +2 hours (October-March), CET

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